Doula Support

Labor Doula Support

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As a labor doula, my goal is to help you and your partner cultivate your own unique birth vision and to ensure a fulfilling birth experience. The birth of your child is an intimate and sacred space, so working up your delivery, I will work with you and your partner to find out how I can best serve you both as a team. I will use my knowledge, experience and training to provide you with uninterrupted emotional support and physical comfort. I can provide reassurance and perspective, make suggestions for labor progress, and help with relaxation, positioning, and other techniques for your comfort. If necessary during labor, I will assist you in making informed decisions by facilitating an open line of communication between you and the medical staff. After your delivery, I will stay with you until the placenta has been delivered and your family is ready to settle down for some alone time. If you have chosen to breastfeed I will help facilitate your initial breastfeeding latch; this usually takes one to two hours.


Postpartum Doula Support

The welcoming of a new baby into a family is a monumental, life changing event! In most cultures around the world, after the birth of a new baby, mothers have a network of support for a certain period of time. This mental and physical support can sometimes come from a mother, grandmother, aunt or other close relative or friend. However, in today’s culture families tend to be busier and more spread out, which means these resources have become infrequent and sometimes difficult to find. A postpartum doula aims to fill this gap by providing a smoother transition period. My goal as a postpartum doula is to nurture the new family unit by focusing on the emotional and physical needs of the family, usually the mother and newborn, in the days or weeks following the birth. During this time I offer assistance, provide resources, give assurances in a non-judgmental way, and help foster a sense of confidence embarking on this new journey.

Click here to schedule a consultation!

Doula Support Packages:

Sprout Birth Package: $1300

* Free initial consultation to see if we are a good match! We can meet somewhere neutral for coffee or tea or in the comfort of your own home.
* Two prenatal appointments that will generally run 1 to 2 hours each. Each of these prenatal appointments will be tailored to your individual needs, but topics generally covered include: creating your birth vision, going over comfort techniques, discussing aromatherapy for labor, and learning how to work together and support one another as a team.
* Access to my lending library of pregnancy, birth and postpartum books as well as Plumtree Baby Childbirth booklets.
* On-Call 24/7 from 38-42 weeks
* Unlimited continuous support during your labor and delivery.
* Immediate postpartum care to help facilitate the initial latch (if you are choosing to breastfeed) and to ensure that you are resting comfortably.
* One 90 minute follow up postpartum appointment (at hospital, or at home) to answer any newborn care questions you may have, to discuss your birthing experience and to provide any postpartum resources you may need.
* If you are interested in placenta encapsulation, you can choose to add that service for $325.

Seedling Birth Package: $1500

* Includes ALL of the above aspects of the Sprout birth package
* The Seedling birth package includes an additional 2 hour prenatal visit to cover Childbirth Education topics.

Sapling Birth +
Encapsulation Package: $1800

* Includes ALL of the above aspects of the Seedling Birth Package
* The Sapling package also includes the additional service of placenta encapsulation.

Current Doula Certifications:

  • Certified Labor and Postpartum Doula, DTI
  • Certified Childbirth Educator, DTI
  • Rebozo Certified: The Gena Kirby Method